Critical thinking does not require space; it creates it.
The courage of all those who opposed the war policies inspires future generations to do everything possible to guarantee that the anti-war struggle is neither forgotten nor suppressed. Three decades later, anti-war history is being systematically suppressed and excluded from dominant historiographical and political narratives because it would have shown that things could have been done differently. It would also indicate that the war was not imminent and was pushed by politicians and their regimes who lived and benefited from it, rather than by different nationalities. Unfortunately, the political forces that were the main initiators and protagonists of the conflict remain powerful in Serbia and other former Yugoslav republics even after thirty years.
Forgetting the anti-war movement serves the interests of a privileged few, including those who ideologically prepared, supported, and justified the wars and those who participated in them. We want to remind that an anti-war scene emerged in Belgrade almost immediately after the war in Slovenia and Croatia had started, gathered all those who found the violent disintegration of Yugoslavia, the redrawing of borders, ethnic cleansing, rape, sieges, bombings of cities, and mass crimes intolerable. This website is devoted to many influential figures from Serbia’s public life who have always proposed peaceful alternatives despite the risk to themselves.
Today their examples still inspire and remind us that the fight for freedom, equality, human rights, peace, and a better society never ends.